Worcester Nurses Striking for Patient Safety – Longest Strike in a Decade
Nurses at a hospital in Massachusetts are protesting unsafe practices in the longest strike in state history. …
Nurses at a hospital in Massachusetts are protesting unsafe practices in the longest strike in state history. …
Years before the collapse of the condo building in Surfside, Florida, engineers had identified deterioration and recommended repairs – which were never made. …
The Democrats failed to pass a voting reform bill – but even if they did, it wouldn’t have addressed big money choosing the candidates. …
Demonstrating the absurdity of capitalism, Amazon destroys millions of unsold items every week. …
Amazon’s Prime Day is the ultimate capitalist “holiday.” …
Capitalism has always depended on the labor of women for profits. Women have often been …
We live in the wealthiest country in the World. But who controls it? It is …
On June 27, 1954, the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, was deposed in a CIA-sponsored coup to protect the profits of the United Fruit Company …
Voters in France show who they support in the regional elections: none of the above! …
On June 26th, 1894, members of the American Railway Union began a boycott in support …
Recently, political leaders of the wealthiest “Group of 7 Nations” (G7) met to discuss what they saw as the most pressing issues that they were facing, including beating war drums against China. …
June 15th marked the day when most states in the U.S. fully reopened their economies, lifting most COVID restrictions, and easing mask mandates. But who is really celebrating? …
Pride is much more than a festival. Most importantly, it’s a time to commemorate the …
A record-setting heat wave hit the Western United States last week in California, Nevada, Utah, …
Antes de la pandemia ya estábamos enfrentando una crisis de vivienda. Un número récord de …
The French New Anticapitalist Party is currently debating which platform to adopt regarding the next …
Our fraternal organization in France urged a vote for Lutte Ouvriere in the June 20 election. …
For-Profit Healthcare Healthcare has become a multibillion-dollar industry. Hospital administrators, not healthcare workers, make decisions …
Young people today face a world of crises. It’s clear that this society does not …
The capitalist system has put humanity in an emergency situation, facing global pandemics, endless wars …
On June 13th Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s longest serving Prime Minister, was unseated by Naftali Bennett, a politician even farther to the right than Netanyahu. …
Most Americans live paycheck to paycheck, accumulate little no wealth and pay taxes. But the big capitalists live in a different world. As their wealth expands, their effective tax rates decline. …
MacKenzie Scott, former wife of Amazon founder Jeff Bezos, is giving away $2.7 billion. But who generated that wealth? Why should it be up to rich people like her to decide what happens with that wealth? …
We are thrilled to reprint the speech of Paxton Smith, the Valedictorian speaker who went off script at her Texas high school graduation. …
Today we celebrate Juneteenth – the most popular annual celebration of the end of slavery …
There is currently a crisis in the French New Anticapitalist Party (NPA) of which our …
Even before the pandemic, we were already facing a housing crisis. Record numbers of people …
Race defines much of our lives. It says who we are to a cop, a …
We are facing a crisis like never before. The current organization of production, especially the …
La Crisis de la Educación Los problemas de la educación no pueden resolverse en una …
¿Quién es responsable de esta crisis? Desde hace más de un año estamos enfrentando varias …
After a person attacked a police officer with a knife in France, the French politicians are proposing remedies that don’t address the root cause of such violence. …
Why Capitalism is the Problem The capitalist system has put humanity in an emergency situation, …
Kamala Harris admitted that immigration from Latin America is a result of poverty. What she forgot to mention is that this poverty was imposed in the most violent way by the capitalists who rule the United States. …
The ongoing megadrought in the western U.S. is a symptom of capitalism. We need to get rid of this system in order to solve these kinds of problems. …
As unemployment benefits are running out, the media are telling us that people don’t want to work. …
The Biden administration’s Department of Justice is defending religion-based discrimination against LGBTQ students. …
The Democrats complain about Republican efforts at voter suppression, but they don’t seem to be passing any laws about it in Congress. We can’t depend on them to act. …
The Biden administration continues to defend mining and oil projects, because it represents the capitalist system. …
Who Is Responsible for the Crises Today? For over a year now, we have faced …
The U.S. continues to maintain its empire with Biden at the head of the military. …
A report from an activist in Colombia. …
What They Say U.S. politicians from both parties say we fight wars to defend what …
The Crisis in Education The problems in education can’t be solved within a single classroom …
The problems we confront can seem overwhelming and it can be difficult to know where …
The problems we confront can seem overwhelming and it can be difficult to know where …
The problems we confront can seem overwhelming and it can be difficult to know where …
Get in touch with us * indicates required Email Address * Name Phone City School/Workplace/Organization …
We can’t rely on capitalists to stop building oil pipelines. Only a mass movement can. …
Texas’s ban on abortion must be fought – we can’t wait for the courts to decide. …
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