The Police Cannot Be Reformed
As protests against racist police violence continue, many are discussing how the police can be reformed …
As protests against racist police violence continue, many are discussing how the police can be reformed …
The family of Breonna Taylor, the woman shot down in her home by cops, is still demanding justice …
Thousands across the country are protesting the horrific racist police murder of George Floyd …
Join us for a presentation and discussion of the housing crisis, what has led to it, and what we can do. …
In cities around the U.S. people took to the streets to express outrage over George …
A recent study found that when temperatures increase past 89.6°F, tropical forests end up releasing CO2 …
As businesses reopen, those who still have jobs must think about how much protection there will be …
Part 1: Why Capitalism Must Go Join us for a presentation and discussion for those …
Last week floods breached two dams near Midland, Michigan, forcing 11,000 people to evacuate …
We Can’t go Back to Normal Normal is the Problem Stand together against the violence …
The arrogance of racist cops was on full display Memorial Day when they murdered George Floyd …
In mid-May there was a big announcement regarding the development of a vaccine for COVID-19. …
Super Cyclone Amphan devastated parts of Bangladesh and India last week. …
George Floyd – Executed by Minneapolis Cops!Their Whole System is Guilty! Link to videos of this …
Schools in France re-opened May 11, at least in the areas where the virus has spread the least …
The Oakland teachers strike of 2019 was part of a nationwide movement to defend public education. …
Memorial Day is supposedly a solemn occasion to remember Americans who died fighting in wars, a serious subject if ever there was one. So why is it typically celebrated with beach parties and consumer product sales …
Anybody in the Bay Area knows that housing is a nightmare, but COVID-19 has made it a horror …
Billionaire techies like Bill Gates of Microsoft and Eric Schmidt of Google have been using the COVID crisis to meet U.S. military and other federal officials …
On April 9, George Leigh, a worker at Amazon’s DNY4 distribution center in Bethpage, New York, he died as a result of COVID-19. …
22 million Americans have lost their jobs and are scrambling to figure out what to do, but the billionaires in the U.S. have increased their wealth by 10%. …
Trump released a statement saying that “governors need to do the right thing and allow these very important essential places of faith to open right now, for this weekend.” What an irresponsible statement! …
California governor Gavin Newsom released a revised budget for the state of California on May 14. Who are the targets of his spending cuts? Workers, high-needs students, the elderly …
36.5 million workers had filed for unemployment, but most are waiting to see the funds appear. The viral hashtag #PendingPurgatory explains what it’s been like for working people …
Almost half of workers are making more on unemployment than they do in their regular jobs …
American-made weapons are still killing thousands of innocent people in Yemen, a country experiencing one of the world’s largest humanitarian crises …
Environmental activists around the world are calling for a “Green Recovery” after the coronavirus pandemic ends, to address the even larger crisis looming over us: climate change. …
For the last few years the NYC subway system has cut back the number of unionized cleaning crews, and it shows. …
We stand with the family of Sean Reed, another young black man who has been needlessly and brutally killed by cops in Indianapolis. …
Then comes COVID-19 and our delicately balanced lives as gig workers come tumbling down …
Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos’s wealth – 138 billion dollars right now – is more than the GDP of over 130 countries across the globe. And it’s only getting bigger. …
While visiting a medical supply distributor in Pennsylvania last week, Trump announced he is planning for future pandemics. …
For several weeks, Trump has been playing on the distress of millions of us who have lost our jobs to rev up support for re-opening businesses …
As of April 24, the State of Georgia began the process of reopening at the direction of Republican Governor Brian Kemp. …
For months, hospital staff in France have been fighting for better pay. Then, during the crisis, they were sent to the front without ammunition: a lack of PPE …
In the U.S. there are 470,000 dwellings with inadequate plumbing. Nearly a million homes lack complete and functioning kitchens. More than 4 million …
Government-endorsed deforestation in the Amazon rainforest threatens genocide of indigenous communities while increasing the risk of more pandemics and wildfires. …
In April and May, renters scraped money together to make rent payments, even though millions …
Joe Biden made a statement recently that flew under the radar in the U.S. press, but made big waves in the Middle East. …
Tesla’s CEO Elon Musk went ahead and opened its Fremont, CA plant this Monday, in spite of the Public Health Department order for Alameda County …
Amidst a global pandemic, with the climate crisis still looming in the background, the Trump administration has dismantled a number of environmental protections. …
While there have been some efforts at collaboration, it has become apparent that the search for a viable vaccine is ultimately driven by wasteful competition among governments and profiteering corporations. …
Blame is the name of the game, and with the coronavirus spreading rapidly through meat processing facilities, politicians are playing hard at blaming workers. …
Covid-19 and the Global Food Chain with Raj Patel …
Over two million dollars has been donated by people around the world to help Navajo and Hopi Native American communities get necessary supplies during the coronavirus pandemic. …
Dozens of sanitation workers in New Orleans went on strike for COVID safety equipment last Wednesday, May 6. …
Four years ago, Trump campaigned on the slogan, “Build the wall!” He was fueling the economic fears of U.S. workers whose real income had gone …
Mass protests have broken out again in Iraq after the nomination of a new prime minister, Mustafa al-Kadhimi. …
We are living through one of the greatest health crises in world history. So why are so many U.S. health care workers out of work? …
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