Wounded Knee Massacre: A Symbolic End
After 280 or more years of consistent conflict between white settlers of the ever-expanding United …
After 280 or more years of consistent conflict between white settlers of the ever-expanding United …
The Russian Revolution teaches lessons about national struggles that are still relevant today. …
In August 1791, slaves in Haiti rose up against their oppression. …
“I never realized how easily people could be trained to accept slavery…” Kindred is a …
December 1982 seemed like the beginning of a turning point in Palestinian history. In 1982, …
Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht were murdered on January 15, 1919. …
On Thursday, November 17, scholar of the people and lifelong activist Staughton Lynd died at …
Twenty-two years ago, on September 28, 2000, a massive struggle erupted in the occupied territories …
While the act of Rosa Parks sparked mass action, the collective decision of thousands first to participate in and then to continue the boycott led to victory. …
The Algerian Revolution began on November 1, 1954, against French colonialism. …
The stock market crashed on October 29, 1929, starting the Great Depression. The instability of the period led to the organization of the working class. …
John Brown and his followers stand as an example of how working people of different skin colors and backgrounds can join together and take action against the oppressing ruling classes. For that reason, we recognize John Brown’s raid as part of the long struggle to end oppression and create a just and equal world for all people. …
This relatively unknown piece of history of the Battle of Blair Mountain shows the heroic efforts miners took to defend themselves and challenge their exploitation. …
Eighty-six years ago, longshore workers all along the Pacific coast were on strike. …
On June 27, 1954, the democratically elected president of Guatemala, Jacobo Árbenz Guzmán, was deposed in a CIA-sponsored coup to protect the profits of the United Fruit Company …
On Memorial Day weekend, we remember the 1937 massacre of Chicago steelworkers. …
In 1968, students in France started a movement which became a general strike. …
On April 8, 1952, President Truman ordered the nationalization of the steel mills in an attempt to prevent the workers from striking. …
March 18 marks the 150th anniversary of the Paris Commune of 1871, when the working class took control. …
In February of 1834, the women working at the Lowell, Massachusetts textile mills went on strike against a pay cut – an early demonstration of working women’s organizing activity. …
Since the explosion of outrage following the police murder of George Floyd, millions of Americans …
One struggle we can learn from was the struggle of coal miners that led to the “Battle of Blair Mountain” almost a 100 years ago in West Virginia …
“The master class has always declared the war, the subject class has always fought the battles …
Even though Pride is often viewed as a party or parade, its origins stem from a refusal to accept the police violence plaguing the LGBTQ community …
The Water Dancer, by Ta-Nehisi Coates, opens with a quote from Fredrick Douglass: “My part has been to tell the story of the slave. The story of the master never wanted for narrators.” …
Fourth of July is this week and we are hearing all the calls to be …
Revolutionary University October 2016 Joel Beinin, Donald J. McLachlan Professor of History and Professor of Middle East …
One of the most important working-class holidays originated in the United States in the 1880s …
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