This is a preliminary resource page that will be updated as more resources are collected.
Various Immigration Resources – California & National
National Immigration Law Center – https://www.nilc.org/
Know Your Rights Red Cards: https://www.ilrc.org/red-cards-tarjetas-rojas
We Have Rights: https://www.wehaverights.us
Informational videos about some legal protections during encounters with Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE).
CASA Hotline: A hotline (organized by CASA) to report ICE sightings. Hotline operators speak Spanish, French, and English and are available 24/7. 1-888-214-6016.
Immigrant Legal Protection Resource Guide: This guide has a variety of materials, such as “Know Your Rights,” “Family Preparedness Plans,” “Deportation and Removal Defense,” “Rapid Response Hotlines,” “Worksite Raids,” “Resources for Educators and Schools,” and more.
Immigrant Legal Resource Center (ILRC) – California:
ACLU of Northern California (American Civil Liberties Union)
SIREN https://www.sirenimmigrantrights.org/
SF Bay Organizations
Centro Legal de la Raza – https://www.centrolegal.org/ – in Oakland many resources
Alameda County Immigration Legal and Education Partnership (ACILEP) – links to area resources and Rapid Response networks – https://www.acilep.org/
Catholic Charities East Bay
Many resources are listed on California Senator Aisha Wahab’s webpage
Washington, DC, MD, and VA
Amica Center for Immigrant Rights: Provides legal services to immigrants in DC, MD and VA. Folks who are detained may qualify for free help: Phone: 202-331-3329.
Online at: amicacenter.org/get-help/
Baltimore Rapid Response Network: https://actionnetwork.org/forms/baltimore-rapid-response-network-pledge/
North Carolina
“ICE Watch in Action” organized by Siembra NC – Siembra is an immigrant’s rights group that organized ICE watches in NC successfully during Trump’s first presidency. They’ve posted examples of how folks navigated real life encounters with ICE and avoided detention. You can find these videos on their TikTok (@siembranc) or YouTube accounts (@siembra6840)