“You’ve Kicked A Sleeping Giant” – A Day Without Immigrant Workers
As we move closer to the elections, we hear more and more racist rhetoric against …
As we move closer to the elections, we hear more and more racist rhetoric against …
In 1934, the auto parts manufacturing center of Toledo, Ohio was in the grip of …
On the morning of July 17, 1936, right-wing generals in Spain ordered their troops to …
Eighty-six years ago, longshore workers all along the Pacific coast were on strike. …
On June 26th, 1894, members of the American Railway Union began a boycott in support …
Russian workers led the people of Russia in an effort to build a better world, and they reached out to help the rest of the international working class to do the same …
In 1871 the workers of Paris were “ready to storm heaven.” …
In 1941, tens of thousands of auto workers at the Ford River Rouge complex in Dearborn, Michigan, overcame many obstacles to build a union from the bottom up …
download pdf of this pamphlet There are many heroes and heroines in the working-class movement, …
In 1912, in the city of Lawrence, Massachusetts, 25,000 workers went on strike. …
The Minneapolis strikes of 1934 have always occupied a special place in the historical understanding of the Trotskyist movement …
In 1877, a strike erupted across the U.S. which newspapers called an “insurrection” and even …
Remembering the 1936-37 General Motors Sit-Down Strike, Genora Johnson …
1946 Oakland General Strike, recalled by a participant: Stan Weir …
download illustrated PDF of this pamphlet Big Bill Haywood was one of the most important …
One of the most important working-class holidays originated in the United States in the 1880s …
The Industrial Workers of the World was founded in Chicago in 1905 …
The Seattle General Strike as recorded by the strikers, recounting the extraordinary story of the working people of an entire city coming together to run their city in their interests. …
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