Workers at Amazon Take Responsibility for Health and Strike
Amazon workers in New York at the Staten Island warehouse went on strike on Monday the 30th, demanding that Amazon shut down their shipping center to get it cleaned for Covid-19. …
Amazon workers in New York at the Staten Island warehouse went on strike on Monday the 30th, demanding that Amazon shut down their shipping center to get it cleaned for Covid-19. …
Amazon confirmed to CNBC that it fired Chris Smalls, a warehouse worker who organized a strike at its Staten Island facility on Monday …
California’s roughly 400,000 agricultural workers are deemed essential, but often without proper safety measures or guaranteed benefits …
Presentations from Online Townhall • The Coronavirus Pandemic: Their System Can’t Protect Us • March 28, 2020 …
As wealthy countries rush to protect capital, people around the world continue to suffer. …
Workers around the country are walking off the job to protest a lack of protective equipment, safety measures, even soap …
Employees in New York facility say they have to ‘force company’s hand’ to act and accuse company of poor communication …
In country after country we are seeing an Olympics of failure. And the U.S. deserves the gold medal. …
This is the text of a second presentation given at our Online Townhall on March …
The Trump administration’s unprecedented indifference, even willful neglect, forced a catastrophic strategic surprise on to the American people …
As this virus spreads, workers around the world are being coerced to work under increasingly dangerous situations. Health care workers have been forced to work without protective equipment, and are at the greatest risk for becoming infected. …
How the ruling Communist Party manages the coming youths will help shape how hundreds of millions of young people see its authoritarian political bargain for decades to come. …
California has the worst housing crisis in the country—so bad that, when Governor Gavin Newsom took office, in 2019, he used his inaugural address to call for a “Marshall Plan for affordable housing,” …
The Covid-19 pandemic has revealed some of the inherent shortcomings of the capitalist economic system. The recent labeling of “essential employees” during quarantine highlights the indispensability of certain jobs …
New York City is the center of the coronavirus crisis right now, and many people …
On March 23rd, the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC) released a report with daunting new information on the coronavirus …
European countries are paying to preserve jobs during the coronavirus crisis. Sadly for American workers, the United States is charting its own path. …
Healthcare workers protested the lack of protective equipment (PPE) outside of Kaiser Permanente Hospital, Oakland, …
Sixers employees were about to take pay cuts … until Joel Embiid stepped in …
Around 100 workers at one of Northern Ireland’s main poultry manufacturers have walked out over concerns their employer has not taken proper steps to protect them from coronavirus. …
On Monday, President Trump suggested that he’d lift the current shutdown on March 31. This is against the advice of top health officials …
On the evening of March 23, the Lieutenant Governor of Texas, Dan Patrick, did an interview on Fox News and declared …
For the past couple of weeks, nurses at Kaiser Hospital have been caring for patients that came from the Grand Princess cruise ship and tested positive for coronavirus. Although there was time for the hospital to prepare before the ship docked, management implemented a training scheme only after the first confirmed cases of patients with Covid-19 arrived. …
While Fox news was denying coronavirus was a problem, Fox’s owner was acting differently. …
With many people out of work due to coronavirus’ impact on their industry or their health, some Bay Area cities and counties are offering modest relief to renters …
Nurses at Kaiser Permanente hospitals and clinics in California could be fired immediately for wearing their own face masks, according to unions representing nurses at the facilities …
Yesterday, the Federal Reserve announced it will provide unlimited credit–and assume the bad debts, not just of banks, but for what it called ‘Main St.’ But by ‘Main St.’ it doesn’t mean consumers or households …
Italy is the Western European country where the coronavirus pandemic spread first and where its tragic effects are being felt the most. …
The Coronavirus Pandemic Their System Can’t Protect Us The coronavirus (COVID-19) has already led to …
Millennials: If you can’t stay at home for others, do it for yourselves. …
David and Denise Morse were sent to the California air force base after 21 people on their Grand Princess cruise were diagnosed with coronavirus …
Fed up with unsanitary working conditions, bus operators in Detroit refused to drive the buses …
At the end of 2019, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement, or ICE, began a massive …
Someone dies of coronavirus every ten minutes in Iran, according to the country’s health ministry. …
We are often told that we don’t have the money in this country for what …
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has already led to a global catastrophe with 353,692 infected and 15,430 dead (3/23/2020), with the rest of the world’s population still threatened with infection. …
Employees say they are anxious about working in crowded stores with inadequate sanitation and lack of paid time off …
By March 23rd, there were over 370,000 cases of Coronavirus, including more than 16,000 deaths …
This post is translated from French from: https://www.convergencesrevolutionnaires.org/ Everybody trusts virologists, emergency doctors and biologists …
Two months ago, on January 15th, the second death from a virus was reported in Wuhan, China. Since then Wuhan and the coronavirus (COVID-19) have become household terms. …
Truckers and warehouse workers at UPS and FedEx feel they have not choice but to keep showing up, even with coronavirus-like sypmtoms …
The divisions between the rich and poor are infuriatingly clear in 2020 …
The Trump presidency has helped create a climate of disorientation and crisis here and around the world. The Democrats promise to fix the broken system, or they just assume that people who are sickened by Trump will put their hopes in a Democratic candidate — no matter who it is. …
“With every crucial delay, with every blunder and misstep, the toll is going to be measured in lives lost.” …
Faced with the horrific coronavirus pandemic, with no idea of its potential scope or how …
Now is the time to imagine a better world. …
Rideshare workers are calling for enforcement of California’s AB5 which would allow them at least three days of paid sick leave …
As the outbreak has hit America and the country has started to shut down, workers in many industries wonder: what now? …
There has recently been an increase in violence and harassment directed at Asian people, both …
The coronavirus has turned all of our lives upside-down. While all of the major sports …
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