With a World in Dire Need of COVID Testing, Capitalists Destroy Rapid Tests
Abbott Laboratories destroyed millions of COVID tests because it was not profitable to sell them. …
Abbott Laboratories destroyed millions of COVID tests because it was not profitable to sell them. …
On August 15th, Taliban forces took power in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan and much of the city erupted in chaos. Tens of thousands of people tried to flee the country and thousands tried to get to the airport. …
El 15 de agosto, las fuerzas talibanes tomaron el poder en Kabul, la capital de …
The main organizers behind the effort to recall Governor Newsom in California want us to …
As of July, 50 out of California’s 58 counties were in a drought state of emergency. …
On the question of immigration, the first seven months of the Biden presidency show little change from the Trump years.
Today we are sharing an episode of This American Life: “Essential” which shares a range of voices of workers who were deemed essential during the first wave of the pandemic. …
The emergence of new COVID variants is due to the mishandling of the pandemic by capitalist governments around the world. …
With the fall of the U.S.-backed government of Afghanistan to the Taliban, who has lost what? …
After a fifth Saturday of street demonstrations, we enter the second week of the “health pass.” This time we were told there will be no tolerance for resistance! …
The school I work at and love was experiencing hardship long before the pandemic. We almost never had soap or paper towels in classrooms or bathrooms. And now things are worse. …
Workers at Nabisco, the company that makes snacks like Oreos, Fig Newtons and Wheat Thins, have been on strike since August 10th. …
In the last few days, there have been protests involving hundreds of people, in at least four Afghan cities. Afghan people are not all quietly accepting this new imposition of Taliban rule. …
This is a guest post by Adam Shils, originally published at International Socialism Project on …
For once both parties are right in their critiques of each other! Democrats and Republicans alike are both responsible for this unfolding disaster in Afghanistan! …
While Haiti is a frequent victim of natural disasters, it’s worth remembering the larger reasons why Haiti is so poverty-stricken and vulnerable to natural disaster. …
Although there have been similar findings in the past, a new study concluded that the average CEO income in the United States (including from stocks and other non-salary income) is 351 times more than that of the average worker! …
Texas Governor Greg Abbott has no qualms about receiving preferential treatment that uses the same science that he denies in his rhetoric. …
Biden’s “bipartisan” infrastructure plan is useless when considering the climate crisis. …
Macron is attempting to scapegoat anti-vaxxers to deflect blame from his own government’s failures in handling the pandemic. …
A study ranked the United States’ healthcare system poorly amongst those of 11 wealthy nations. …
Transit workers in the Bay Area are fighting for hazard pay for working during the pandemic. …
A Taliban victory will mean more misery for the Afghan people. But it was the long history of U.S. imperialism that set the stage for the formation of groups like the Taliban and this latest crisis. …
As the sexual harassment scandal surrounding New York Governor Andre Cuomo built towards his resignation, the revelations of his slimy behavior highlighted once again the complete and callous indifference of capitalist politicians – of both parties – to our needs. …
Capitalism has caused this mess, and to save our planet and ourselves, we need to envision and create a new and more sustainable system for meeting human needs. But change will only come about if WE, regular working class people, fight for it. …
While the Games were enjoyable to watch, they also featured political moments that should be highlighted in which athletes took a stand against various forms of oppression we face under capitalism. …
Photoessay by David BaconOriginally published by Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung, August 3, 2021 Reprinted with permission …
An analysis of the situation in Cuba. …
New York and Los Angeles are trying to deal with their homeless populations, sometimes by force. They are not addressing what makes people homeless in the first place. …
Throughout this pandemic, politicians at all levels, and in both parties, have exposed the priorities of the system they protect. They are not interested in protecting the health of the population. All they are concerned about is protecting this economy and their petty careers. …
As global heating continues, wildfires of unprecedented scope and devastation are blazing in many countries. …
Just days after the federal moratorium on evictions expired, the Biden Administration extended the ban through October 3rd. …
Billionaires like Bezos show us where their concern is – not on this planet with us. …
Online Townhall Sat. Aug. 21st As the economy and our society fully “reopens” with the …
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