What Do Managers Even Do?

This article is reprinted from the Speak Out Now healthcare newsletter at Kaiser and Highland Hospitals in Oakland, CA.

Every day in the hospital, we see hundreds of workers caring for patients, cooking their meals, cleaning their rooms, and keeping us all safe. We work together, every day and night of the year, using our knowledge and experience to make sure the patients have what they need. Yet tucked away in their offices are people who patients never see, and whose roles are a mystery to most of us. These managers sit at their desks, never putting on gloves or emptying a trash bin. They make more money than us, and enjoy all their nights, weekends, and holidays at home.

But what exactly do they do? Between the assistant managers, managers, and directors, there sure are plenty of them sitting in their chairs. They don’t answer our emails, hire enough staff, or even know all our names. Some departments don’t trust them to generate our work schedules, leaving that to senior staff instead.

If a manager does talk to you, it’s likely to deliver a harsh word of criticism after you’ve worked hard to do your best in the worst of conditions. We go above and beyond while short-staffed and overworked, and are met only with disapproval from managers who would never be able to handle our jobs. We can’t help but ask, what do managers even do?

Click here to read the article printed in the 07-29-24 Healthcare Newsletter