Boeing’s top brass is finally admitting what many have suspected for years: the company retaliates against whistleblowers. Outgoing CEO Dave Calhoun faced harsh criticism during a recent Senate hearing, where he acknowledged the company’s dirty tactics.
But despite Boeing’s intimidation, whistleblowers are stepping forward in record numbers. Only this year over a dozen have already come forward, with more joining their ranks. These whistleblowers range from anonymous individuals to those publicly sharing their stories. Boeing’s shady practices aren’t just rumors anymore; they have become loud cries for change.
In the past three years, 32 complaints of retaliation have been filed with the U.S. workplace safety regulator. These numbers reveal the extent of Boeing’s crackdown on those daring enough to expose safety issues. But the tide is turning. Whistleblowers are no longer just victims; they’re symbols of courage, fighting back against a powerful corporation.
The message is clear. Boeing workers are standing up, speaking out, and refusing to be silenced. Their bravery is an inspiration to workers everywhere.