This article is reprinted from the Speak Out Now healthcare newsletter at Kaiser and Highland Hospitals in Oakland, CA.
Governor Newsom finally approved a new budget for California’s 2024-25 fiscal year last week. The original budget plan featured state funding for minimum wage increases for healthcare workers starting on July 1st. The wage increases are a bit confusing as they are different depending on which type of facility someone works at, and are supposed to finish with all healthcare workers in California earning a minimum of $25/hr by 2033.
It is already ridiculous to have to wait until 2033, but now, given California’s budget difficulties, this plan has been delayed and now won’t take effect until October 2033. If the state doesn’t achieve new sources of revenue to help fund it, these wage increases could even be delayed further to start in January 2025!
Whenever there are budget difficulties, why is it always us workers who are forced to sacrifice?
Click here to read the article printed in the 07-02-24 Healthcare Newsletter