Behind the Prime Deals: Amazon Workers Suffer Record Injury Rates

Amazon’s Prime Day has become notorious not just for its deals, but for the massive toll it takes on the company’s warehouse workers. According to a recent Senate investigation, injury rates in Amazon warehouses skyrocket during this period, revealing the dire consequences of the company’s relentless drive for profit. 

Prime Day and the holiday season are marked by an overwhelming increase in orders, pushing workers to endure exhausting conditions and long hours. The Senate report uncovered that during Prime Day 2019, the total injury rate was nearly 45 per 100 workers, far exceeding the industry average. These injuries range from musculoskeletal disorders caused by repetitive stress to severe incidents like concussions and broken bones. 

The human cost of these shopping events is unacceptable. Workers are subjected to an environment where speed outweighs safety, leading to a series of injuries and health issues. Despite the company’s enormous profits, with $12.7 billion in sales on Prime Day 2023 alone, Amazon’s warehouses remain unsafe for its employees. 

Protests and advocacy efforts by worker organizations have brought these issues to the forefront, demanding better working conditions and fair treatment. Workers have shared painful stories of being exploited and denied adequate medical care, showing the brutal reality behind Amazon’s promise of speedy deliveries. 

Amazon workers, under immense pressure, are paying the price for the company’s profits with their health and well-being. The injuries and exploitative practices they face during Prime Day call for all of us to stand in solidarity with these workers and demand change. It’s time for working people to unite and fight against this corporate exploitation.