A Return to Whose Normal?
This is what’s normal for their capitalist system, where normal has been the problem to begin with. Whether we accept a return to this normal or strive to bring about a new one will be up to us. …
This is what’s normal for their capitalist system, where normal has been the problem to begin with. Whether we accept a return to this normal or strive to bring about a new one will be up to us. …
Por mucho que todo el mundo esperara que el año 2022 pudiera ser el comienzo de una nueva fase en esta pandemia, a cada paso las prioridades de este sistema siguen prolongándola. …
As much as everyone hoped 2022 might be the beginning of a new phase in this pandemic, at every turn the priorities of this system continue to prolong it. …
The longer countries like the U.S. protect the profits of the drug companies and delay vaccinating the rest of the world, the more time the coronavirus has to mutate and cause another surge in cases, hospitalizations, and deaths. Once again, this pandemic continues to remind us that their system cannot keep us safe. …
This is the capitalist system – highest efficiency and ingenuity when the goal is invading and committing murder in other countries, but unable to provide basic necessities, housing, utilities, education, healthcare and safety for its own population. The problems that we face having nothing to do with what is and isn’t “possible.” They have everything to do with this system’s priorities. …
Today we are sharing an episode of This American Life: “Essential” which shares a range of voices of workers who were deemed essential during the first wave of the pandemic. …
June 15th marked the day when most states in the U.S. fully reopened their economies, lifting most COVID restrictions, and easing mask mandates. But who is really celebrating? …
Andreas Malm’s recent book Corona, Climate, Chronic Emergency lays out the overlapping causes of both …
All the pent up anger, all the weeks of being stuck at home, all the worry about getting sick, all the economic hardship, all the anxiety about the future, combined with the history of systemic racism dating back to slavery led to a response that exploded into the streets. …
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