Biden and the United States Military: The World’s Most Dangerous Killing Machine
The drone-strike assassination of Ayman al-Zawahiri is not “justice”. …
The drone-strike assassination of Ayman al-Zawahiri is not “justice”. …
Biden has announced the intent of the U.S. government to steal of billions of dollars from the Afghan people. …
After the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan, women are not simply sitting back and watching as their rights get swept away from them. No, they are fighting back. …
On August 28, activists in San Francisco protested in solidarity with the people of Afghanistan. …
On August 15th, Taliban forces took power in Kabul, the capital of Afghanistan and much of the city erupted in chaos. Tens of thousands of people tried to flee the country and thousands tried to get to the airport. …
El 15 de agosto, las fuerzas talibanes tomaron el poder en Kabul, la capital de …
With the fall of the U.S.-backed government of Afghanistan to the Taliban, who has lost what? …
In the last few days, there have been protests involving hundreds of people, in at least four Afghan cities. Afghan people are not all quietly accepting this new imposition of Taliban rule. …
For once both parties are right in their critiques of each other! Democrats and Republicans alike are both responsible for this unfolding disaster in Afghanistan! …
U.S. troops may be leaving Afghanistan, but U.S. aggression around the world remains. …
We are living in a world dominated by war. For those in the middle of …
The U.S. and NATO invaded and occupied Afghanistan in October 2001. One excuse given for …
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