This article is reprinted from the Speak Out Now healthcare newsletter at Kaiser and Highland Hospitals in Oakland, CA.
Last Wednesday Kaiser Oakland implemented a new policy. Now, before 8am, workers have to enter the hospital for a shift by badging in to the main entrance on MacArthur, as opposed to the usual normal door around the corner.
The stated reason for this policy was for “worker safety” but nothing beyond that was really explained.
Kaiser management had notified almost no one about the change in policy. As a result, this caused confusion for many workers, who went to the normal entrance and couldn’t get in because it was locked.
It also put security guards in a tough position. A few workers took out their frustrations about the change of doors on the security guards, who were just trying to do their jobs, and let people know the correct door to badge in and enter the facility.
How hard would it have been for management to send out an email?
Click here to read the article printed in the 08-14-24 Healthcare Newsletter