The Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz has recently reported a sickening fact. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) have been using Palestinians as human shields. The IDF, which is currently occupying Gaza, finds itself confronted with the task of searching and mapping the extensive underground tunnels and hideouts that Palestinian resistance organizations had constructed before the invasion. Many of these tunnels and hideouts are booby trapped so that soldiers are wounded or killed when they enter. The IDF has cruelly employed dogs to search these tunnels, but it has found that the canine bomb searches were becoming too costly.
The IDF then decided to use an option that is cheaper for them – they abduct and force Palestinian civilians to walk the tunnels and risk death! No being should be sent into harm’s way against its will, but the IDF has clearly decided that for their sick purposes, Palestinians are worth less than dogs. This fact demonstrates the depravity of the IDF, the sickness and inhumanity that this genocide is breeding. One can only imagine what twisted behavior these soldiers will bring back with them to their communities and families. This genocide is a disease that will infect humanity and leave scars and after-effects for decades to come. The genocide needs to end now before the sickness spreads!