Report from Palestine: Nabi Saleh – A History of Resistance (February 10th 7pm, Berkeley CA)

Nabi Saleh is a village in the Israeli-occupied West Bank of Palestine. It is the home of Nariman and Ahed Tamimi, prisoners of the Israeli state, arrested and jailed for protesting Israeli soldiers in their own village. Nabi Saleh has a long history of resistance. Come hear a video talk by Palestinians from Nabi Saleh about their village history from the First Intifada to the current protests, followed by questions and answers over Skype.

Saturday, February 10
7pm (doors open 6:30)
South Berkeley Senior Center
2939 Ellis St., Berkeley
(near Ashby BART)

$5.00 suggested donation
(no one turned away for lack of funds)

Link to event on Facebook

download .pdf poster (letter size)
.pdf halfsheet flyer (2x on letter)