It was recently announced that the Dakota Access Pipeline, the largest oil pipeline out of North Dakota, will be shut down, as well as the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. Part of the Dakota Access Pipeline ran through Lake Oahe, a drinking-water source for the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, which fought against its construction along with thousands of supporters. The United States Energy Secretary puts the blame on activists for shutting down and emptying these destructive and polluting oil pipelines.
This just shows the power that we have when we work collectively for what our communities need. Successes like this reinforce that we can change the course of our future. But history also tells us that the fight is not over after one struggle is won. So long as the capitalist system remains, indigenous communities will continue to be robbed and attacked, and the environment will continue to be destroyed.
There will be many more struggles to come. We must organize and get ready for the attacks we know will follow, and build for a future society that doesn’t exploit the earth or the people on it.
featured image credit: Rob Wilson Photography @RobWilsonFoto