After a 16-day-long sit-in in front of the UCLA Chancellor’s office, students have managed to win most of their demands for safer, hybrid education. They began their sit-in on Feb. 1, demanding stronger safety measures for students during the surge of Covid cases. The sit-in took place in conjunction with protests by students across the University of California (UC) system for better measures to protect students’ health.
Multiple student organizations participated in the sit-in and negotiated with the Chancellor’s office. Among the demands the Chancellor agreed to are: hiring additional staff to support professors setting up livestreaming options for their classes; increased funding and support for student resources centers, including $50,000 a year for the Black Bruin Resource Center; and supporting the creation of an American Indian Resource Center and a Disability Cultural Center. The Chancellor also agreed to write a letter urging the Academic Senate to waive in-person attendance requirements and establish universal hybrid options for students.
This victory for UCLA students came as a result of their struggle and organizing. Only through our own struggles will we be able to protect our health. Bosses and politicians (and university administrations) are slow to act, if they ever do. We’re the ones that need to keep ourselves safe!