Earth Day Event Video: We Will Not Be Sacrificed! Reports from “Sacrifice Zones” (Sat, Apr. 13)

Coal, oil, gas, and plastic industries continue their expansion at the expense of the ecosystems, and entire communities. Chemical and radioactive waste products affect all of us by contaminating the air, soil, and waterways. These waste products are concentrated in industrial areas, “Sacrifice Zones,” where residents and workers are lied to and often don’t see themselves as having the power to defend themselves.

The industries and the politicians who serve them, have made it clear that they are not going to protect us. Our lives are viewed as obstacles to their profits. Hear from people directly impacted by the fossil fuel industry and their fights to put an end to sacrificing the environment and their lives for profits.

Download event flyers and posters:

Bay Area Event Flyer (.pdf)

Bay Area Event Poster (.pdf)

Baltimore Event Flyer (.pdf)

We will have in-person meetings for this event in the following places in the Bay Area and Baltimore:

Berkeley, CA (4pm PT) — 2727 Event Space, (2727 California Street, Berkeley, CA 94703)

Baltimore (7pm ET) — Nomünomü (709 N Howard Street, Baltimore, MD 21201)

Can’t join us in person? Join on zoom:

Meeting ID: 821 5880 0683
Passcode: 340756

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