2023: A Coming Economic Crisis?
Who Will Pay?
With Richard Wolff
We face the effects of global corporations’ competition and profit maximization which has led to economic warfare pitting the U.S. and the E.U. against Russia and China. The Covid pandemic and the effects of the war in Ukraine have impacted the lives of working people everywhere. The majority of people continue to face soaring inflation, rising interest rates and declining living and working conditions. In response, efforts to organize unions, as well as protests and strikes by workers and the poor have exploded around the world. To fight back we need to understand the capitalist system we confront today.
Richard D. Wolff will be discussing these important issues, followed by a Q & A and discussion. Wolff is a professor of economics emeritus at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst and is the host of the weekly program, Economic Update, which is produced by Democracy at Work, which he co-founded. And check out Wolff’s recent article about the general economic situation as we head into the new year.
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