Slavery in Libya: The French government’s responsibility

Macron was visibly annoyed by Burkina Faso student questions during his African Trip,‭ ‬when he snapped:‭ “‬The people smugglers in Libya are not French.‭ ‬They are African‭”‬.‭ ‬Certainly,‭ ‬there is no lack of people to take advantage of the situation over there.‭ ‬These people exploit migrants‭’‬ misery to extort their money or trade human beings‭ – ‬the images‭ ‬of‭ ‬migrants in Libya being sold at auctions for a few hundred euros,‭ ‬originally shown November‭ ‬14th on CNN,‭ ‬have‭ ‬made it around the world.‭ ‬These people‭ ‬are disgusting.‭ ‬But what about the people who are pulling the strings‭?

This traffic happens in refugee camps ran by militia backed by European States,‭ ‬France in the lead,‭ ‬to prevent migrants from reaching Europe.‭ ‬And it’s still going on‭! “‬Crime against humanity‭” ‬said Macron.‭ ‬Of course.‭ ‬But aren’t the backers also guilty of the crime‭?

The‭ ‬hatchet men‭… ‬and their backers.
‭ ‬The increased flow of migrants since‭ ‬2010‭ ‬has led European‭ ‬countries,‭ ‬including France,‭ ‬to erect hundreds of kilometres of barbed wires.‭ ‬But‭ ‬this doesn’t stop the flow of people fleeing from poverty,‭ ‬war,‭ ‬often both.‭ ‬Our rulers do not think for a second about using some of the riches in our countries to help the migrants.‭ ‬France promised to take care of only‭ ‬30,000‭ ‬refugees before the end of‭ ‬2017,‭ ‬and has so far welcome only a tenth.‭
Remember that police in Calais had‭ ‬ordered that no water should be given to babies,‭ ‬and that people who helped migrant kids in the Roya Valley were prosecuted.‭ ‬After all,‭ ‬why would‭ ‬the European governments suddenly show any sympathy for the migrants,‭ ‬when they already spend most of their time passing laws that throw families into poverty.‭
The European rulers want to‭ “‬dissuade‭” ‬the migrants from living their countries‭… ‬And for this,‭ ‬the migrants‭’ ‬journey has to become a hell even worth than the one they left.‭ ‬Worse than the hijacking and murdering of Boko Haram in Nigeria‭; ‬worse than Assad’s gas in Syria.‭ ‬And,‭ ‬this has to be known.‭ ‬So the next ones will not attempt to leave their current state of misery,‭ ‬fearing they will plunge into even worse evils,‭ ‬in the hands of mafias that rob,‭ ‬extort,‭ ‬rape,‭ ‬torture,‭ ‬sell and kill.

Hell in‭ ‬Libya:‭ ‬a situation that‭ ‬should have been anticipated
‭ ‬Libya‭ ‬has fallen into the hands of militia that terrorise and extort the population,‭ ‬since French planes bombed the country under Sarkozy.‭ ‬To ask Libya to keep migrants in meant those militia‭ ‬run the detention centres.‭ ‬These are the filthy camps that the media have been reporting on for months,‭ ‬as filthy as the camps that were ran under Gadhafi.‭
The European‭ ‬union‭ ‬officially‭ ‬pays the Libyan coast guards,‭ ‬whose cruelty is on par with the militia‭’‬s.‭ ‬European militaries under Operation Sophia send them the location of‭ ‬boats full of migrants.‭ ‬The migrants caught that way are then given to the mafias that run the camps.‭ ‬The European leaders cannot be unaware of what the bloodthirsty brutes they hired do.
‭ ‬So,‭ ‬they didn’t just‭ “‬turn a blind eye‭” ‬on the dirty work of their henchmen.‭ ‬The European rulers knew how‭ ‬their hired guns were going to operate,‭ ‬and that’s precisely why they chose them.‭ ‬They let them loose‭ ‬on African migrants,‭ ‬just like you let attack dogs loose.‭ ‬These dogs‭ ‬reflect all the cynicism and inhumanity of their masters.