Presentation on War in Ukraine from Online Townhall on Saturday, March 19th

End the War on the People of Ukraine!

Russia’s horrific invasion of Ukraine is devastating the country — bombing hospitals, schools, apartment buildings, houses and more. Civilian death tolls are estimated to be in the thousands, and over two million Ukrainians have fled to neighboring countries.

We must oppose Russia’s brutal and totally unjustified attack on Ukraine. We must also oppose the aggressive goal of the U.S and NATO to dominate the region, which helped to provoke Russia’s attack. The Ukrainian people are being used as pawns in the struggle between these major powers.

In cities across Russia people are facing the brutality of the police as they say “NO!” to this war. And people around the world are beginning to show their opposition as well. We, in the U.S., have an obligation to join this opposition and declare our support for the right of the Ukrainian people to determine their own future.

Link to Facebook event

Saturday, March 19th

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