Translated from an article in Convergences Revolutionaires, published by L’Etincelle, October 26, 2020
Since October 12, Nigeria has been rocked by a popular movement begun in reaction to police violence after yet another young man was murdered by the Special Anti-Robbery Squad (SARS) – militiamen who are in the habit of shaking down the population for their own benefit. Last week’s demonstrations were attacked by the army and the police once again. They fired live ammunition into the crowds: according to Amnesty International, 12 deaths were recorded this past Tuesday, bringing the number to 56 since the beginning of the movement. The violence escalated last week when several thousand residents took it upon themselves to requisition food that the government was hiding in warehouses while the population is suffering the full force of the economic and health crisis. In the face of widespread corruption, workers are right to help themselves!
This anger may soon find an echo beyond the borders of Nigeria. In Guinea, demonstrations are taking place, denouncing President Alpha Condé’s third term; in the Ivory Coast, the elections scheduled for October 31 are being challenged. Curfews have been established here and there, but any rebellion can make sparks fly!