Imagine What A Happy New Year It Would Be If…

We were not forced to choose between having time or having money. If everyone had a job – no one would have to work long hours – even 40 hours is too much. Everyone would have time to do what we want.

Imagine if…

Our health was a priority and healthy food was not produced primarily to make a profit but was instead available for all; and it was society’s priority to provide free access to healthcare from birth until the end of life.

Imagine if…

We controlled the production of goods and services that we needed. The well being of society and the environment would guide our decisions. The talents and knowledge of everyone: workers, scientists and engineers would be used to develop our communities, transportation systems and the production of things we needed.

Imagine if…

There were no wars waged over resources or political control. If we lived in an equitable world, why would we kill people in other parts of the world? Instead we could learn from each other, share and trade.

Imagine if…

We all could study and explore what we wanted? We all have different talents and interests like sports, reading, acting, science, music and art. What if we didn’t have to worry about paying for education, or struggling to find the time to pursue our interests?

Imagine if

We were no longer divided by race, gender, sexual orientation, nationality or religion. How much richer would our lives be if we were able to connect and understand each other without prejudice?

Imagine if…

We were able to have a real say in the running of society and we could make decisions that benefited us all. Imagine if workers ran the workplaces with no bosses in the way.

Imagine if…

We decided to organize to use our power to bring this world into being. We are the majority, the 99%. We do all the work to run society. Why should the 1% rule? If we don’t act, we know that things will only get worse. If we do act, a different world is possible. No one else can change things for us. We are the ones we are waiting for.