Archive That, Comrade!
The Legacy of 1968 and the Politics of Remembrance
A Talk by Phil Cohen
How is the past remembered? How do archives and commemorations of historical events rewrite history? How is historical revisionism and false memory used today? And what could be a model for archiving history that can build on people’s collective strength and power to resist? Phil Cohen will take up these questions and more as he discusses his latest book, “Archive That, Comrade: Left Legacies and the Counter Culture of Remembrance” (PM Press, 2018).
Phil Cohen is Emeritus professor in Cultural Studies at the University of East London and the research director of “Livingmaps Network.” For the past forty years he has been involved with working-class communities in East London documenting the impact of structural and demographic change on their lives. He is also the author of “Re-thinking the Youth Question Palgrave” (1998), “Reading Room Only: memoir of a radical bibliophile”, and many other books. Website and blog: www.philcohenworks.com
Friday, May 4 , 7pm
Berkeley City College
Room 55
2050 Center St. in Berkeley
Jointly sponsored by
Speak Out Now, PM Press, and Students for Socialism Club at Berkeley City College
This is event is free and open to the public.
Donations will be requested.