The Poor Rich – Help Needed
Right now, everyone is forced to go without something in their lives and just learn how to make ends meet. For workers, it could be having to skip meals, or not having enough money to pay the rent. But for the super rich, in these tough times it means they can’t even do anything at all.
There is a world shortage of high-end butlers, leaving the rich helpless. What will they ever do? How will they feed themselves? Who will get them dressed, or even tie their shoes?
The poor rich are so desperate for people to slave over them that there has been an increase in training programs for butlers. And for an additional $20,000, they can even get their butler to speak with a British accent.
Killers With A Badge
According a new report from the group Malcolm X Grassroots Movement, this year at least 110 Blacks have been killed by police, security guards or self-appointed vigilantes. Blacks were killed in these situations at a rate of nearly one every 40 hours. Nearly half the victims were unarmed, while others were alleged to have so-called dangerous weapons that included a cane and a toy gun.
These statistics can’t help but show how easy it is for law enforcement to gun down innocent people as long as they are Black.
A Pay Cut Without the Name
Workers everywhere are feeling the pinch. Whether we are handling more freight, helping more customers, lifting more bags or cleaning the facilities, – whatever it is we may do at the airport – we are all being asked to do more work in a shift with no increase in pay.
Whether its staffing being kept low, sick calls not being covered, new responsibilities added on or the boss demanding every day that we work a little faster than we did the day before – it all equals out to the same thing for us. Increased work without increased pay is nothing but a pay cut without the name.
Their Politics and Ours
The Republicans finished their convention and the Democrats are starting up this week. Their candidates are chosen and their agendas are set. Basically these are multi-million dollar infomercials trying to get people to vote for them. Their line up of speakers is set up to play on our hopes and fears and prejudices.
These shows are designed to get us lined up behind their campaigns to turn us off to any possibility of real political change.
These politics, the politics of those who maintain their control over society and our lives. There is more to life and much more to politics than their made for tv spectaculars. Maybe it’s time to think about setting our own political direction.